Cumhuriyet gazetesinin aktardığına göre TankerTrackers sitesinin yaptığı son paylaşımlar, Yenikapı'da cuma günü düzenlenen ve İsrail'in Gazze'deki saldırılarını protesto etmeyi amaçlayan 'Zulme Lanet Kudüs'e Destek' mitingden 1 gün sonra, İsrail'e Ceyhan'dan 1 milyon varil petrol sevk edildiğini gösterdi.
The POLIEGOS departed the KRG berth in Ceyhan earlier this evening with 1.037 million barrels and "OPL Port Said" as destination; which most of the time ends up being Ashkelon, Israel. Meanwhile, a diplomatic row took place this week between Turkey and Israel due to Gaza. #OOTT
—🛢 (@TankerTrackers) May 18, 2018
Rotası Port Said olarak görünen tankerler son anda Aşkelon limanına yöneldi.
Looks like she did a hard turn towards Ashkelon after all. This is the first transfer of crude oil (1 million barrels) from a Turkish port to Israel we have identified since the diplomatic row began a few days ago. Trade deals remain ironclad regardless of geopolitics. #OOTT
—🛢 (@TankerTrackers) May 19, 2018